avatar imageOska Ng

Senior Software Engineer @ Revenue Monster

By Oska Ng on Apr 1, 2021

Summary Of Achievements & Plans 🥳


During my progression from junior to senior, my focus primarily revolved around various aspects of the project, with a significant emphasis on payment-related functionalities.

On the backend side, I delved into learning Go, as it served as the primary language within the company’s framework. Utilizing MicroGo as the application framework for serving gRPC servers complemented our microservices architecture, where I spearheaded the migration of code from the monolithic gateway to the services. Ensuring seamless operation, I exposed these services back to the gateway, overseeing their integration and functionality across approximately 5-7 services.

Meanwhile, on the frontend side, my responsibilities extended to the development of both the merchant and admin portals, catering to merchant-facing and internal audiences, respectively. These portals were intricately linked with the services and gateway, offering essential features to end-users. Through this process, I expanded my knowledge of frontend technologies, such as MobX for state management, while familiarizing myself with the company’s existing structure. Additionally, I remained actively involved in the development of the AliPay MiniProgram - Gourmet Card.

Given my role within the payment tech department, I undertook the responsibility of integrating various e-Wallets prevalent in the market, including SarawakPay, RazerPay, Lazada, Zapp, MCash, Grab, and Online Banking (FPX). This involvement ensured a comprehensive and inclusive payment ecosystem for our platform.

Apart from our in-house product, during my initial month of joining, I contributed to the development of the mini program, which was successfully launched just before the implementation of the movement control order. For further details, you can visit the Gourmet Card.

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