avatar imageOska Ng

Payment Software Engineer Lead @ Revenue Monster

By Oska Ng on Feb 1, 2023

Summary Of Achievements & Plans 🥳


Throughout my journey, with a focus on payment products, I’ve dedicated efforts to enhance the codebase. This includes refactoring code to improve clarity for junior team members and implementing additional functionalities such as logging and information storage to facilitate end-to-end payment flow comprehension.

As I transitioned into the role of a lead engineer, I devised onboarding procedures for my team. This involved creating comprehensive team documentation to streamline the onboarding process, ensuring new members have a clear understanding of the software, command line interface (CLI), tools, and source code storage options (GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket). Additionally, the documentation provides insights into our application framework and structure, leveraging the knowledge passed down by my experienced seniors, particularly in our in-house database connection ORM.

With seniors departing, I found myself responsible for overseeing every aspect of payments, leading a sizable team. While this posed challenges, I’m grateful for the opportunity as it allowed me to learn and grow significantly through the management experience. Given this opportunity, I assembled a dedicated team consisting of terminal and mobile developers. Their primary focus is on conducting research and development for terminals, along with the creation of mobile applications. These projects fall under the purview of our frontend lead engineer team, particularly in the realm of payment products.

This year, both the frontend lead engineer and I achieved a significant milestone by developing a new product within just three months! For further deetails, you can visit the Chativate.

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